Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Day

First , I wanna thank you NUFFNANG for the invitation to Asia Pacific Blog Awards at Putrajaya Marriot!

Really appreciate that. So sad that I couldn't make it =(  I wanna meet XiaXue !! Between ,Congratulations

to XiaXue because she won 2 awards which are Most Influential Blog and Region's Blog ♥   

Hope that I can get the invitation for the next time , please ! 

Woke up in the early morning on Monday just to accompany my cousin to the college for her final exam.  

Since I stay over here , I got no choice. I asked her what am I suppose to do cause I can't enter her college 

 too . You know what answer she gave me ?  She said she will just dumped me in the mall which nearby her 

college . Her exam started at 9am ?! Such a cold-blooded cousin , but I still love you . Haha . Totally no 

idea what am I supposed to do in the mall. 

After breakfast , I saw 2 horses which nearby her college . Curious about that so I asked her drove me 

there so that I can took the photo of the horses. Yes , I'm bored ! I got nothing to do so I took the photo . LOL . 

  Close view of the horse =s

While waiting for her , I went to Big Apple to get myself a cup of cappucino . It had been so long I didn't 

drink cappucino . Hmm , actually just one week after I back to my hometown . You can't blame me cause 

I'm a coffee lover =D  

To my dearest friend , I know you all concern me that's why always advice me not to drink coffee anymore. 

Haha . But..... coffee is good for female with the right amount you take =) I'm not bull shitting okay?I found 

it on newspaper . *evil smile * I got prove  Honey pleaseeee , when I take coffee during the time we hang 

out don't shout at me ya . Hahah 

Honestly , I feel good after I drink coffee in the early morning. I always dream that I will own a coffee shop 

in the future . *erhem*  Okay , stop about coffee ! 

Met this cutie and I miss her so much . Sorry , a bit blur =$

Gonna blog about Movida & Battleground soon  ♥ 

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