Thursday, January 31, 2013

Why ?

目前在EVENT 部门的我在忙着筹备客人的婚礼 说真的 ,不容易。 看似简单的婚礼 背后却花了不少的心思。 你必须依照客人所提供的主题来设计婚礼现场 这足够你头疼了 。毕竟婚礼是一生人一次嘛 若你喜欢结两三次也没人能阻挡你 只能说你好豪气哦  一场婚礼都要了你几十万 而且还不包括要招待客人的食物哦 下次结婚还真的得存够钱才打算。 在海边举办婚礼的却不错 但是也有很大的风险。 那就是天不作美的时候就完了 哈哈

好了 ,不谈这话题了。

我很好奇 ,我的舞蹈社的团员到底对舞蹈了解有多深 ?! 有好几次我真的很想放弃。想说既然大家不珍惜你所付出的 干脆罢了这社团 可是朋友们都要我忍 说什么只是还没遇到一个和我一样对舞蹈充满很大的热诚 认了 。一直说服自己说 当初那么辛苦成立难道就因为遇到一些问题就要放弃吗?这 ,很不像我 仔细想想后 ,我干嘛要放弃 朋友们都知道自从创立了舞蹈社团我的生活就开始很忙。 每逢周末不是去教会就是跳舞。我从没抱怨因为这是我想要的。老爸很谅解我,还问我毕业后要不要加入舞蹈大学 。我很想 ,可是要到国外。自己知道这是一个很好的机会可是却决定不了。有太多的担心了。我只好对老爸说一旦我完成我的实习期,就会现在市区参加不同的舞蹈班才打算吧。自己的程度到哪里自己知道 =) 现在,要慢慢让团员了解舞蹈。让他们自己想想自己为什么要跳舞


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

New Year 2013

When people are partying hardly for new year eve , I’m working . It’s not that bad as you think. I can party and working in the same time.  Not gonna talk more about my working life over here . ALL I can say that I’m really enjoy over here. =)

New year , New Resolution .

So , what’s yours resolution. Before that , ask yourself have you achieve those resolution you set for last year ? I must said I did achieve some of my resolution . Yeah , SOME , NOT ALL . So , I’m gonna work hard to achieve the “ left over “ resolution. LOL , sounds pity . Jot down your resolution and work hard to achieve it. It’s still not too late for you people. It’s only JANUARY ! You got 11 months  more to go before the year end. C’mon ! I’m thankful for 2012 because there are a lot of unexpected event happened and I’m lucky to attend on those events. By the way , I also got to hang out to those places that I wanted to go for so long . I’m really thankful by having a bunch of friends who always hang out with me. Sometimes we can go to some places that far from our house just to have breakfast/lunch/high tea/dinner/supper. We can spend few hours in the restaurant just to spend time with each other. I kinda like this feeling . =)
Now we are all separated as we doing our internship in different places. I just want to meet up with them soon and hang out to hunt for nice food again. If you did follow me in my Instagram then you will know. I’m really a food/coffee lover. Haha . Sorry if you viewing those picture with your empty stomach.
Actually I still got a lot post didn’t update because I couldn’t really find a good time. Although I’m having my day off, I’m still got no time to update.  =(

Just a short post to wish everyone HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013 . Strike for the best no matter in your working life / college life . Do the best for yourself before you regret.