Saturday, November 5, 2011

Nuffnang Blog Awards, Here I Come !!!!!

Morning Peeps

How ya weekend ? Since Monday is holiday so I came to Subang for 3 days and hang out with my cousie =)

Last few days I received a mail from Nuffnang . Guess what , Nuffnang Asia Pacific Blog Awards is

back !!!

I'm so excited with it and it just reserved 500 places for local and foreign blogger . Cool right ?

And this time , they organize this event at J.W. Marriott Hotel . Sounds awesome . I wanna attend this event

so bad .

**The event is on 16 December 2011, 500 bloggers from around the Asia-Pacific region will flock to Kuala 

Lumpur, Malaysia for the Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards 2011 in Putrajaya Marriott. The Awards aims

to not only honour the region's best bloggers, but also to bring together blogger communities from across

Asia-Pacific. The Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards is brought to you by Volkswagen Malaysia and 

Putrajaya Marriott. ** 

The reason why I wanna attend because I wanna meet all those awesome blogger . teehee . 

Next , the event are worth for me to join becasue Nuffnang is AWESOME . I don't want to miss the chance 

again . =S

Last , because I wanna know who will be the winner for each of the award. It's gonna be unexpected right ? 

  Recall back , I had blog for 2 years and through blogging I knew a lots of blogger which from differenct 

nation and state. I do learn some new things from them and I managed get the latest information through 

them. =)  For me , blog is just like a story book of each person life . They wrote down the what they gone 

through and published it . Sometimes , you might felt the way they feel after you read it . Don't you agree ?

I do =) 

  I want the ticket badly !! Do you hear me ?? =D

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