Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunday was awesome !

Did you saw my swallow eyes . It's getting better already .

  July is a busy month for me and I enjoy it . Next week will be my pratical exam and august will be my final 

exam. After that I'm gonna fly back my hometown =) 

   I never book a flight ticket before and it's so complicated . Lucky I had my friend help me to book it . 

Besides , I have a great day in church today . Pastor Stephen Goh was awesome and I learn a lot of new

experience from him . He make me be more closer to HIM . The worship was awesome . I can't wait for 

Pastor Kong come to our church next month . I believe the church gonna be pack because of him . Look

forward for that .

  And I'm gonna get extra money on next week . It's not from my parents k . It's my salary which I worked

for the BMW event ! *evil smile* It's time to get some new clothes for myself Really thx God to what I 

have now . Learn to appreciate ! 

  Mid term over ! Time to fight for final . After that I can go back to my hometown and relax . Feel so excited.

2 more weeks . *weee* 


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