Call out to all music and dance lover ! Because you don't wanna miss this out! Generation Y Music Festival is bringing something big at KL LIVE on 19th October 2013. Generation Y Music Festival” is a youth concert designed for youths by youths with performances from various talented young local artists/musicians and upcoming bands that deserve a bigger audience. .Mark down the date and make yourself available on that day just for this music festival. Trust me , you will not be regret on it ! Why ? Because there are a lot performers that you don't wanna miss out !!
Let me introduce you....Shawn Lee. He's Asia's #1 beatboxer & made it to Top 4 in Beatbox Battle World Championship 2012.If you listen to his live beatbox before, then you will know how good is him.
Ke Qing - local artiste and singer will be performing too .
More to come ...
Malaysia based Alternative/Indie Freak Folk singer-songwriter - Ariff AB
If you don't know about him , just have a look on this video . His voice is good =)
Yeah People ! AN HONEST MISTAKE is our local band comprised of Darren Teh, Kevin ‘Cottie’ Tan, Sheryl Goh, Danny New, Leonard Chua, and their newly minted, drummer Jone Yeoh. They already holding the VIMA 2010 Best College Act award. An Honest Mistake’s 7-track self-titled debut album has created hits like ‘I Have A Hole in My Skinnies, And That’s How We Roll’, which charted on the MET10 and contantly plays on Traxxfm and FlyFM.
Rhythm Nation are a band of 7 best friends who started as a college act in pursuit to
achieve one dream and that is their passion to play music. Rhythm Nation incorporates rap
core and fusion to their music which you will don't wanna miss it.
This event is organized by the Music Society of the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC), with intentions to donate part of the total profit generated from this concert to charity. The beneficiary societies are
Penang Hospice Society
National CancerSociety Malaysia
The price of the ticket is just RM30 and your moeny will be donate to National Cancer Society Malaysia. While enjoying , you are also doing a charity for those who needs help which is a good thing thou. No worries, you can purchase the ticket from me too =)
Details of the Gen Y Music Festival :
Date: 19th October 2013 (Saturday)
Time: 8pm
Venue : KL LIVE, Kuala Lumpur.
Time: 8pm
Venue : KL LIVE, Kuala Lumpur.
Here's the official video of GEN Y MUSIC FESTIVAL
** They have dance performance too **