Wednesday, February 23, 2011


恭喜表姐在STPM得了 3.5 ,虽然她个人还不满意 ! 算了吧 ,对我来说已经很好了啦 !不过我还是敲了表姐一餐 。哈哈

最近这几天都在忙着练舞。表演就在后天 ,我怎么就一点也不紧张 ?  是习惯吗 ?也许吧 。二月算是最忙的一个月吧,忙着练舞,练车 , 选科 ,选学院 。我真的有够烦 ! 目前我所要拿的科系就只有那唯一一间学院拥有,费用呢特别贵 。查了政府学院,也只有一间拥有 。很显然这个科系在我国真的很冷门 。我认识的朋友当中也没人读这科系 。烦 ! 如果成绩没能如我所愿,我想我会乖乖读中六了吧 。烦 ! 最近真的很烦 烦 烦 !

不想多说什么,因为只会让我觉得更加烦 。

我想要的,只是一个拥抱  ♥ 
这本书真的是超级赞 ! 萧雨萱 =)
【可不可以就一次,就那么一次 不是因为寂寞才见我,而是因为想见我,而见我 】
当小雨说出这句话的时候,我的感触很深 。
我何尝不是这样 ? 因为寂寞,想找个人聊天,就开始查我的电话簿。查看哪些已被我遗忘的朋友来陪我聊天 。当寂寞被分散后,我把你给遗忘了 。我会忘了所有聊天内容,只记得是你这时候把我的寂寞分散了 。 我,真的会这样 !

有时候寂寞真的需要被分散。这会让我好过些 ,心情自然就放松了 。



Monday, February 14, 2011

情人节 , 我很好 !

又是情人节了 , 怎么过 ? 我还是像往常一样 ,因为我从没真正地庆祝过 。已经习以为常了吧!

每到这个节日呢,情侣们就会开始想该怎么庆祝了吧 ,真是伤脑经 。我想,花及巧克力是必备的吧。但抱歉 ,本人对这两样没兴趣。哈哈 。。我自己也不知道为什么 。我有让自己尝试喜欢上花,但我做不到。 还记得上次华文学会举办了一个慈善活动。。那时候,我和其他理事们就负责卖花 。 那时候我有订了几束花给自己。当一堆的花握在我手里,我以为我会感兴趣 。但却没有。。有时候我真不明白为什么有些女生会那么喜欢花 。哈哈 。。没什么意思,这只是我个人的问题。巧克力呢,我也没那么喜欢 。算了,反正我也不会收到 。。=)

今天与朋友们出去的时候就聊到一些感情上的问题 。我放下了 ,真的 。你问下一段的恋情是不是打算长久了 ? 我想,但一切随缘吧 。总不能我说要长久就会长久吧 。我告诉妳我累了,是真的 。当你认定他是真心的就会放下戒心 ,用心地去爱他,关心他 。最后才发现原来被耍了。那种感觉,我试过了。。并不好受。。我也花了很长一段时间恢复 。每一晚躲在房里哭泣,在人前我总是装得很坚强 。我也度过了,哭一哭就没事了。我不喜欢压抑着。只能说谢谢妳一路的陪伴 我知道你是最好的。

每一段恋情都让我反省了自己的一些幼稚的行为 。我试过重犯那错误,也知道我会再次承受那心痛的感觉 。我坚强了 ! 也让我看透了有些男人对待感情有多虚伪 。还是爱自己多点吧 !我很喜欢现在的生活 =) 虽然在深夜里难免情绪会作怪,会哭泣 , 会悲伤 ,会有一股冲动要回头。。我度过啦 ,那是情绪在作怪 。 爱情这一堂课,是不存在的 。唯有自己经历,慢慢累积你所得到的经验 ,然后再学习怎么保持一段长久的恋情 。它,真的很奇妙 。因为它是不完美的,总是让人伤痕累累 ,也让人甜蜜幸福。真的好奇怪 ! 

我亲眼见过了好多例子 ,让我一度相信感情这东西真的很奇妙 。说散就散 ,说在一起就在一起。无论那段感情维持了多久 ,说变就能变 。 那么,之前承诺算什么 ?这时候,没人会再相信那愚蠢的承诺了吧 。行动实际点 。

单身的 ,我们一起狂欢吧 。

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Purple Rock the Night !

I'm back =

Just wanna said that I had no regret took part in this competition. It's the best gift for me. Thank God ♥ 
GO BREAK TEAM   always the best in my heart. I love you guys so muchhhhh...  Ok,I'm gonna tell you the story now. Our team had took part in the dance competition . It was my very F-I-R-S-T time . I'm so nervous,so do my team mate .  We get the third place, and we're satisfy with that. Because.....only our team know what happen . hehe ..

I'm so shock that they will take part. Before that I ask them but no one want to take part. Till the day before competition,they just said wanna take part. WTF == Did you know how rush ? At first , I never join them.But,the stupid Lynne keep ask me take part and bla bla bla. If I no join them,I'm pretty sure that I will cry.Hahaha ..Ok, keep the story short . =P  During we pratice there are some problem and we nearly give up .We're the only team never make up . TOO RUSH FOR EVERYTHING.. Even some dance step we still change before go on stage . Honestly, I wanna cry out on that time .
While we waiting the result , we keep comfort each others and said : It's ok's ok .. if we lose also never mind. Just take it as experience . Kinda funny that time . We really never expect that we get the third place. I scream and keep hug on everyone . I'm so so so happy . Haha ..Thx for everyone that never give up . You guys are the best . Love you all ♥ 

Yea,maybe others will said somethings about us. Whatever, we don't fucking care about it . Just enjoy it . Oh ya,Max Identity and PEZ at there too . Jackson , Elaine and Wc were the judges on that night .

 Yeah !!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO BREAK TEAM ROCK !!!!!!!!!!!
 Our trophy =)
 Taa-daa, our shoes.. nice right ? kinda cool .
 Had a celebration with all the judges and two others groups after the dance.  =)

Here's another celebration just for our team. I miss that night . I miss your monkey sounds so much . You knew who it is. Hahahah.. Laugh non stop  .
 This two became my partner . Thank you . I knew that his gf jealous . Hey hey, sorry for that borrow your bf awhile =) Next time is your turns. I promise . Hahaha .
 Hahaha.. A special love shape
 I've no idea what I'm doing ==

Wait for my BANGKOK post ♥ 
Bangkok was awesome .
 I'm gonna visit again on April if can .