Friday, December 31, 2010

Last for 2010 !

  End of the year ! Oh, we gonna said bye to 2010 and 2011 coming soon ! Kinda fast ya . 
Seriously,everything not going smooth for me in this year.Whatever,I'm waiting the new year coming . It's 0 to 1 . I believe that the new year will bring me a new life . I'm tough enough to handle it now.I'm happy that someone finally know me I will sayang u too sis =) It's so touching when I receive yours comment ! If you are reading this post , I wanna tell you that I love you lots lots and thank you for help me getting what I want Muacx 

Nothing much to say for this year because I choose to keep it in my heart ! Oh ya,I'm glad that I knew a bunch of new friends before the year end of 2010 ! Thx to my niece .Haha.You guys,stop calling me aunty k? Bit regret let you guys know I'm his aunt .I just same age with you guys la.Ish..

I'm back to the jazz class . Lots of dance need to catch up because I perform 4 song . Kinda tired for me.I'm so bad because I skip class today.=P I promise that I will catch up as fast as I can ok ? Be happy girls.I think my teacher will chop if I not try to catch up.Hahaha.

2010 ! I learn lots and hurt lots too ! So,I don't want to repeat it in the new year . I want a brand new year ! Oh ya, I'm fall in love with the world cup in this year .=P I still remember that I woke up at the midnight just to watch the match.Then I still need to woke up early went to school. That was an exhausted month for me,but I do enjoy ! The bad things that only I hate for this year was I get cheat by a liar ! all gone . Not just me,my friends too! we're fucking hate that guy . Thats why until now I haven't get my car license =(

I should be more cheerful right ? I know. I my friends too.I when we hang out together and study together ! It's fun . 

This is my last post for 2010 =) Seriously,when you read back what you've post,it's kinda funny ! Haha . Take it as your memory .


Thursday, December 30, 2010



怎么最近老是出现这样的心情?好郁闷哦。我想我真的是太闷了吧 。最近反反复复地听着--------盧廣仲 [我愛你] 及  張靚穎 〈如果這就是愛情〉。只能说这两首歌真的太棒了,也让我想起了好多画面 ♥   

再过几天就要迎接新的一年啦。朋友们都问我会到哪里庆祝。抱歉哦,那天得去教堂 !而且,我才得知这星期五的主题是 Indian Culture . 我该向谁借印度装呢?真是头疼 ! 哈哈 。希望能借到吧,我要与大家一起一样嘛!不想错过这么好的机会 。其实呢,我不想出席任何派对,因为我比较喜欢呆在家然后看演唱会。我会比较享受 =)  对某些人来说当然是无聊死了。这是我的习惯嘛 ♥  
换了个发型,不会觉得很适合我。可能要等长些才好看吧 。因为我一直认为现在这样的长度不适合我 。迟点才染发吧 。=)

明天还得练舞呢。我真的好久没跳了。所以体力真的是大大减少。我今天跳得真难看 =(  是生疏了吗?我不晓得,但算了吧。明天加油咯 

只是更新一下 * 短的文章 *

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Morning guys ops,it should be afternoon now. =P

I'm kinda bored now because waiting my cousin straighten her hair,after that just go to mall.Don't feel like wanna shopping,I think I will just do window shopping for today . I'm waiting my friend pass me the pen drive so that I can just lay on the sofa whole day,watching my fav drama =) My life is kinda bored now ! I think I should back to the dance class soon to catch up all the dance I had missed .

It's rainy day and this weather make me sick =(  Had a heavy flu. I can't stand on a cold weather because it just will make me sick.Hate it so much . Last night on the living room,I ask my dad to switch off the fan because I'm cold but he blame me == Why? See the conservation between us .
Me: Dad,switch off the fan please,I'm cold 
Dad: You see,it's your fault right? Don't know how to take care of yourself .
Me:Whats wrong? you know that your daughter cant stand with the cold weather at all
Dad: Yea,so still ur fault.Don't blame the weather 

I was like,huh? all my fault now .I know this is one of the way he concern me.Hahaha =P Anyway,I still hate rainy day . It ruins my plan .

Just a short update ♥ 

Monday, December 20, 2010

毕♥业 。损友

先恭喜我们两位吧!为什么呢?因为我们得了舞法舞天奖!就是说呢,我们得到了大家的认可,被视为跳舞最好的。哈哈,这是我们朋友自己认为的啦!别拿鸡蛋砸我们啦!特地挑了他扮鬼脸的一张,太正经就不好看了嘛 。


好啦,在我们考完华语试卷的隔天。朋友们举办了毕业派对,这只是特别为我们这班举办的哦!我想,没人试过搞这么棒的派对吧!真是要谢谢她们。我也知道你们不眠不休地赶着我们的SLIDE SHOW,真的很棒!还有男生们到一家一家地派邀请卡及我们的特制衣服 =) 我们的派对在五点下午举行,原因是我们的两位朋友都要出国了。一个去日本,另一个去意大利。




 对了,在交换礼物环节哦的时候,我竟然收到了牙刷==放心,我不会用。会好好收着的,谢谢你哦PANJANG !


我至爱的损友们,我们毕业啦!谢谢你们给我这么棒的派对,虽然我们没有其他人的豪华派对,但他们却没你们那么创意 =) 我爱你们

在天上的颈企,收到你的奖杯吗?你一定没想到我们有为你订做吧! 虽然你没参与,我们不会忘记你的 。想告诉你,我们毕业啦


Sunday, December 12, 2010


 首先呢,就来说我的banner 吧 很不一样哦,人家通常会把自己的照片放上去,可是我却把与我同名的相机及我最爱的紫色高跟鞋给放上去,外加一点圣诞的装饰 =) 因为我没那么美的照片也厌倦了,所以就想出了这个 !希望你们会喜欢。这个banner花了我不少时间哦 !

其实我早就该更新了,由于照片的问题所以延迟了。那晚,我们一群人在LOCAL CAFE 一起喝茶。怎知男生们却约好一起去玩线上游戏,就剩我们这群女生。那时候才9:30PM .对我来说还早呢。这时晴就提议去她家一起唱K.所以我们就搭她的车回去咯。Wai Ting 是后来才到·,而且也带来了最新的DVD 给我们唱。好兴奋哦,终于有新歌唱了 !


这时候的我们应该是在唱台语歌吧!那时候差不多是11:30pm 了,我们全部就瞬间疯了吧?!突然唱起台语歌来。你们若有看星光7 就会留意到【恰吉】这号人物。还记得她唱了【追追追】这首台语歌吗?好巧,我们第一首台语歌就决定唱这首。还边唱边跳呢,是疯了吧?那晚的我们玩得好刺激,大概1am才结束吧==
这是在唱【家后】的时候。不好意思哦,影片是私人的,不得公开。不然我就会被五马分尸了我 =(

我们还打算考完华语就去她家过夜。。大家玩个痛快。。我得好好珍惜与他们在一起的日子 ♥ 

以后很少时间相聚了咯! 这班损友真的超好。。说真的,蛮多人挺羡慕我们这班损友之间的感情 =P 而且,只要有我们在的地方肯定很吵。你知道吗?我们每次去KFC 一定会被投诉太吵了。。嘻嘻,没办法嘛 !我们就是这样。从小学起我们这一班就被列为【最吵闹的一班】直到高中也没变。。是个让老师头疼的一班 。

我与Wai Ting

最后附上我与我最爱的损友的照片 ♥  

哦,今天我的表姐顺利地诞生了宝宝。。而且还是4公斤那么重。。以后要抱你会手酸吧?哈哈 *恭喜哦*

Saturday, December 4, 2010

December Queen ♥ Party ?!

I'm not going to blog about exam stuff because I knew that it's kinda bored right? So,no more exam stuff till I finish the exam.

Last night had fun at Qing's house.The december baby ♥ 

Finally she's 17 now.I was late last night to her party.When I reached there,saw that lots of my friends already there.Then Qing take out her ice-cream birthday cake and celebrate with us.
But she don't know that we actually bought a birthday cake for her dy .So,after eating we went into the K-room and singing.Qing suggest watch movie st just sing.I don't know where she get the Piranha movie.It's the old one.After that we just watch front part of PIRANHA then change to TEKKEN this movie.I bet last night those guys sure very enjoy the front part of PIRANHA ! Hahaha..No need to mention here why there are so enjoy last night with the movie.Just find the old version PIRANHA then you will know why it's so nice for them =P

The front part of TEKKEN got bit bored,but after that is good.I love Jin this character =) It's about fighting.If you don't like fighting movie then just skip it. Hmm,so Tekken this movie is new or long time dy? Someone tell me please . 

It's almost 11pm after we done our movie.Then we start to play the cake cream.All of us become clown for last night.Pity of the birthday girl because she was the winner of the clown last night.Hahaha..Baby,we just wanna fun ya,so do you.We play till 12 smtg just wanna back home.See,exam haven't finish we start to party dy.Seem so relax huh! Yes,we are..Just for one day.I believe the next day all back to meet the Mr.Stress dy.

I've no photo for last night.All in the birthday queen's camera.=) 

* 14th have party at TM,15th have party at KK,18th and 24th have party at KB
I still can't make sure that will I attend it or not , except for 15th and 24th. Just wish that I can make it to all the place ♥   

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Meet Santa Claus on December ♥

I know the colour is suck coz I lazy to edit it.Haha
Taken by my no quality handphone-k750i .No blaming

Old handphone right? Haha.I knew that it's time to get a new hp.
But I gonna wait after my result release,poor result = no hp
Ok,I don't wanna talk about exam or result anymore because it turns my mood become emo.

So fast,finally it's DECEMBER now ! It's time to meet SANTA CLAUS =)I miss you Santa Claus. I'm gonna countdown at KB on 24th Dec because have function at there
It's my first time join it too.Wish that I'll have lots of fun there.*wink*

So,for those who are relaxing now,enjoy your vacations.School open soon.*evil smile*
And I'm gonna have about 3 months holidays after that.Woo,so nice
Just now,I had search the place that I wanna go as vacation.It's so cool
Because I thought that Jan will be free,unfortunetly it's fully book on January 2011.
So,maybe just go there on February 2011 .Somehow,I just wish my family allow me to go by myself =)
It will be a nice trip for me,maybe a bad idea for you .* Can't wait anymore
I just wish I won't get lost in the city.Haha

Back to the topic,
December is the last month for this year . Spend it wisely
For me,I had learn lots of lesson in this year.Sounds that I'm so bad.==
Bad things gone,good things come ! That's everyone wish ,include me
I will be more stronger than before and more independent !! So do you =)

: Lets countdown for Santa Claus to visit you :